In the US, renewable generation is certified and tracked using RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates). One REC is issued for every MWh of eligible renewable energy that is delivered to the electric grid. A REC contains unique identifying details of the energy generated, including the renewable fuel type, project name and location, the vintage of the project and the generation, and serial number.
Within SPP, the Western Renewable Energy Generation Information System (WREGIS) and Midwest Renewable Energy Tracking System (M-RETS) are primarily used to track generation ownership and attributes, including RECs. Generators located in states that do not participate in the aforementioned tracking systems may register with the North American Renewables Registry. Renewable generation may also be eligible for certification and tracking in regions outside of the SPP.
How are RECs (Renewable Energy Certificates) procured? TMarket transactions or long-term contracts. Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, and Texas have adopted renewable energy goals.
Are renewable Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) available? Yes
Are Green Tariffs available? Yes, Green tariffs are available in Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, and Wyoming.